What other products do bees produce - apart from honey?
We all know about delicious honey but what else do bees produce?🍯😋
🐝 Honeycomb
Made from the beeswax of the honeybee, it is a cluster of repeating hexagonal cells, used to store honey and eggs, the egg storage cells are call ‘brood’ cells. The queen lays her eggs in the cells and they act as incubation chambers being meticulously maintained by the female worker bees. It is constructed with hexagonal cells for simplicity, strength and durability. 🐝
🐝 Beeswax
This is produced when young female worker bees eat honey, digest it and turn it into liquid beeswax. As soon as it hits air it hardens and turns into scales, the other bees then chew it to soften before it can be formed into cells. For each pound of beeswax provided by a honeybee the bee visits 30 million flowers! 🌼🌸🌺
Beeswax is secreted from the underside of their abdomen and then used to construct a honeycomb. It is used to construct ‘combs’ in which bees raise their young and store pollen and surplus honey for the winter.
🐝 Bee Bread
This is ‘edible grade’ pollen and is a mixture of plant pollen and honey which bees mould into granules and store in their honeycombs.
Many top athletes eat bee bread to try and strengthen their immune system. It can increase oxygen intake - boosting performance, and aid a quicker recovery!🚴🏻♂️🤾🏼♀️
🐝 Propolis
Or ‘bee glue’! This is a resinous mixture that the honeybee produces by mixing saliva and beeswax with plant exudates gathered from tree buds, sap flows and other botanical sources. Propolis is used as a sealant for small gaps in the hive, larger gaps are usually filled with beeswax. It also has anti microbial properties and is used to fight off infection when the colony is sick.😰
🐝 Royal Jelly
This is the food fed to the queen and bee larvae and is very rich in proteins. It is produced by the mouth glands of young bees - each queen needs only a teaspoon of royal jelly to survive! This highly nutritious substance also helps secure a queen cell to the hive so it can hang while she develops!🐝
They really are amazing little creatures!🐝🐝